KOTCL Developer Diaries: make way, spring is coming!

Make way, spring is coming!

Knock-knock, travelers!

Today our diary is unusual, because it coincides with a wonderful holiday –

International Women’s Day.

That’s why we start with congratulating the ladies of our studio, community and industry, and outside of it, too. We thank you with all our heart for inspiring us and giving us strength to make the world better.

Each one of you is unique; each one of you can be so different; and each one of you deserves only the best. You are beautiful, amazing, wise and strong. Remember about that and never lose faith in yourselves!

Spring Makeover

We may as well return to the details of Vanadis’ rework. On top of the pets’ icons, the energy display has changed too. Are you confused? We hope not. Anyway, it will all become clear when you’re able to see and feel everything we’ve been telling you about. But for now, let’s have a look at our animators’ work. We think it turned out dynamic and energetic.

Lights, Camera, Action!

This week, we recorded a new video-diary. We even have a proof of that:
We plan to upload it next week. It was fun! We think you’ll like it too!

An Overgrown Badger? Nope, It’s A Honey Badger!

This furry predator received its dose of ‘Spine’ and came to life quite literally. Look at this fashionista!

How About Some Chit-Chat?

And once again, as many times before, Andrew aka Innrey, the founder of RedBoon is at the keyboard. Today I’d like to talk about advertising and promotion.

So, we’ve made a game and we’d love to tell you all about it. But how do we find you? How do we make you find out about our game? We’ll find out the answers to these and other questions in the next few months.

At first, we thought that it would be enough to write something like this to the media: “Hey, look, a great game is going to be released! Check it out! Here are your game keys, please give us some feedback.” But it turned out not as rosy as we’d imagined. Out of 40 emails we sent out… none received answers.

The next thing we tried doing was sending keys to bloggers so that they could check out our game. This worked better; some of them even answered us, but in the end only a few of them tried playing our game.

Whelp, simple and understandable ways didn’t seem to work, so we’ll have to keep thinking. The one remaining “simple” solution is to turn to game publishers who have the necessary contacts and resources. But even for high-rated games having a publisher doesn’t guarantee good results.

We still have half a year and we need to come up with something in that half of a year. Here’s hoping we manage. We always have in the past.

What do you think of game publishers? Are there publishers that you follow and trust?

That’s it for today. I’ll be reading all your comments attentively. I really hope that the next week will bring positive news. We’ll be making every effort for that to come true
2024-03-08 21:27